Tuesday 2 August 2016

Offset Printing and Digital Printing

If you are very concern about printing and know more about printing then you should have to know the difference between offset and digital printing. Offset Printing is a technique which is done by plate process. In this process first the planning of the job is done. After planning the job, the job is sent through computer to the plate making known as CTP (Computer to Plate Process). In CTP the job is separated in CMYK plates. After making the plate, the next round is printing with the help of plate. The plate is fitted on the offset machine and sheets are printed. In Offset four color machine there are four units where CMYK colors are filled and as per the plate the sheet is passed and the required color is spread on the paper. But this process is very time consumable and lengthy. Now another alternate of printing is Digital Printing. In Digital Printing the command is given by computer and the printouts is directly coming out from the printer. There is no need of making the plates. It just works as a personal printer. Now you people are thinking that why we should use offset printing in place of digital printing after a lot of time consumption is done in offset printing the reason is cost. If we are taking about a very long run of the same format then in offset the cost is very less as compared to digital printing but if the job is small the digital printing is a good alternate. The major reason to opt Digital Printing or Offset Printing is only the run of a single job and second the size of the printing job. Some people thought that the quality of digital printing is far better than offset printing but the fact is quality of printing not depends upon that. It depends upon that printer is using which machines. Are the machines of the printers are of latest technology. Are the machines spreading the right colors and in a effective manner. It also depends that the registration of the CMYK are coming right or not. As the time is changing everything goes digitally. Even the engineers are trying to make a mixture of both offset and digital printing. In which there is no need of plates and the expense of plates is removed so that the cost of the printing decreases. Even these machines are already made but due to advance technology these machines are very costly and not easy to install. But the future is of Digital Printing not of Offset Printing. Now the days will come when Offset Machines will remove from the market and we see only the Digital Machines all around. Digital Printing also becomes cost effective in future, timing for printing get lesser, the size of the printing gets increased and quality in terms of registration and colors will be improved. For further discussion we will happy to do discussions at aoneprinters123@gmail.com and visit as on on www.aoneprinters.com